Monday, October 5, 2020

How to make a wooden ship wheel

one photo How to make a wooden ship wheel

Spacers – wood pieces that are in between the spokes. Supports – wood pieces that tie together the spokes and the spacers. Ring – bent wood piece that forms the outside diameter of the ship wheel. Once I figured out how ship wheels were built I made a formal drawing. I started the woodworking by first making the spacers. Draw a circle on your wood board 20 inches in diameter or, make the circle as wide as you want the outside edge of your ship wheel to be, using a compass andplus here are a few quite a few snap shots out of diverse methods

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Classic Wooden Ship Wheel Decor
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Wood and Brass Ship Wheel 15 Ship's Wheels
by 12

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Personalized Wooden Ship Wheel Coat Hanger - 12"

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