Saturday, November 28, 2020

Vacationer sailboat build

Photographs Vacationer sailboat build

The Vacationer is a pretty good-sized boat, with a nice smooth sailing feel to match. A Weekender for the whole week. A lot of little improvements were developed in the earlier Weekender after the first magazine release, and then incorporated into the later Vacationer. Bought a Stevenson Vacationer skeleton from someone who started the project and then bailed. Finished it, made the sails, rigged it, built the trailer, saile... Stevenson Projects Weekender Sailboat. I built thas well as here are a few photos through numerous resources

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The Vacationer | Wooden sailboat, Sailboat plans, Boat
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Instant get Vacationer sailboat build | Canoe Public
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Stevenson Projects Vacationer Sailboat PLANS ONLY
stevenson vacationer sailboat build - youtube

Stevenson Vacationer Sailboat Build - YouTube
the vacationer

The Vacationer

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